Watch Candace’s sizzle reel here!
“As benefit auctioneers, we don’t get into the auction industry to make money. We get into it to raise money!”
Candace Essenburg
Candace sells Fenway Park Box Suite for over $20,000!
“Fundraising is the gentle art of teaching the joy of giving.”
Hank Rosso
Candace sells donated Halloween pumpkin for hundreds of dollars!
“Life’s persistent and most urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’ ”
Martin Luther King Jr
“Little by little, a little becomes a lot.”
Tanzanian proverb
Candace more than meets top Paddle Raise levels by driving home the mission and not being afraid to wait for donors to feel compelled to give.
Why should you trust Candace with your fundraising needs? Watch these videos to find out…
Candace featured on World Watch News’s “Can I do that?” auctioneer edition!